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Figments 10: Simmons Hall 9, by Fred Camper


This "Figments" group is based on a photograph I took of Steven Holl's Simmons Hall, a dormitory at MIT, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I have identified a total of 14 images of this building appropriate for "Figments" groups, so there will be more.

Figments sheets: Scroll through all the "Figments sheets" completed so far for this image. Each sheet is a separate work, and, though here organized from fewer to more images, they do not have to be seen in any particular order.
Supers: Scroll through all the "Supers" completed so far. Each sheet is a separate work, and, though here organized from fewer to more images, they do not have to be seen in any particular order.
Clouds: View all 84 of the "Clouds" completed thus far.
Elements: View the 48 separate "elements" used to make this work, either as a slide show or by scrolling through.
The "Alls" sheet for this image shows all 48 elements, the original image and its lower-resolution versions, in a grid.
For explanations of these different types of works, see the Figments main page.


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